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Strategies to Defend a Sex Crime Charge

Posted in Criminal Defense on September 29, 2023

Being accused and charged with a sex crime is a serious matter, and you may worry about how it will impact your career. If you feel lost and unsure how to protect your rights, one of the first steps is to contact the experienced lawyers at Mary E. Conn & Associates. Our team understands the serious nature of these charges and works hard to fight for your rights and get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Mary E. Conn & Associates has provided Texas residents with unmatched, comprehensive services since 1985. Trust our experienced sex crime lawyers to handle your case and develop an effective defense strategy, which, depending on your circumstances, may include false accusations, consent, mistaken identity, or a biased accuser. Our dedicated lawyers fiercely advocate for you every step of the way, allowing you to rest assured that you’re in the right hands. Call us now to get answers to your questions about defending against sex crime charges.

5 Defense Strategies for Sex Crime Charges

When investigating your sex crime charges, our skilled lawyers seek opportunities to create a strong defense. Taking the time to listen to your story, gather evidence, and interview witnesses helps us create a defense strategy that minimizes your chance of receiving penalties. Potential defenses against sex crime charges include the following:

False Accusations

Unfortunately, people falsely accuse others of serious, life-altering offenses like sex crimes. If this is the case for you, our attorneys can help you gather evidence that proves the accuser’s allegations against you were fabricated, exaggerated, or simply untrue. 


Consent may be a viable defense if the accuser willingly participated in sexual activity and gave a valid form of consent. Our attorneys can use witness testimony, text messages, phone records, and other communications to prove this defense. 

Mistaken Identity

Perhaps your accuser was the victim of a sex crime, but the police charged the wrong person. If you have been accused of a sex crime due to mistaken identity, our team of lawyers can use this strategy along with DNA evidence, evidence proving you were elsewhere when the crime occurred, and witness testimony to get your charges dismissed.

Biased Accuser

If you are going through a divorce or custody dispute, your former spouse or partner may accuse you of a sex crime to get full custody or an advantage during the divorce process. Our lawyers can help determine if your accuser has an ulterior motive for the allegation or if they are biased against you. 

Police Violated Rights

When police obtain evidence against you, they must respect your right to privacy, avoid making unreasonable or baseless arrests, and make unnecessary searches and seizures. If an officer fails to do this, your charges may be reduced or dropped. 

Reach Out to the Experienced Sex Crimes Defense Lawyers at Mary E. Conn & Associates Today

If you have been charged with a sex crime in Texas, you may feel like all the evidence is stacked against you, but this is not always true. Our Mary E. Conn & Associates lawyers are here to listen to your story, gather and analyze evidence, and develop a personalized defense strategy that gives you the best chance of achieving a positive outcome.

Our knowledgeable attorneys understand the state and federal laws that apply to your claim so you can better understand your case and what to expect moving forward. With our experience, negotiation, and litigation skills, you can rely on us to speak on your behalf and build a strong case. Don’t hesitate to contact us after receiving sex crime charges in Houston by calling (713) 357-4190 or filling out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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