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Can You Resist an Unlawful Arrest in Texas?

Posted in Criminal Defense on July 22, 2024

Facing an arrest can be a highly stressful and confusing experience, especially if you believe the arrest is unlawful. In Texas, the law generally requires compliance with law enforcement officers. However, there are specific circumstances under which resisting an unlawful arrest may be considered legally permissible. Understanding these nuances is crucial for anyone navigating such a situation.

Mary E. Conn & Associates have been defending clients in Texas since 1985, handling a wide range of criminal offenses. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your rights are protected and that you receive the best possible outcome in your case. If you find yourself facing an arrest, especially one you believe to be unlawful, our firm can provide the guidance and defense you need. Call us for immediate assistance.

Understanding Unlawful Arrests

An unlawful arrest occurs when law enforcement officers detain an individual without legal justification. This can happen if the officers lack probable cause, fail to obtain a necessary warrant, or violate the individual’s constitutional rights. In Texas, probable cause means the officers have a reasonable belief, based on facts, that a person has committed a crime. Without probable cause, an arrest is not legally justified.

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, including unlawful arrests. If an arrest violates this protection, it may be deemed unlawful. It’s essential to recognize that even if the arresting officers believe they are acting within the law, their actions can still be challenged in court if they fail to meet the legal standards for a lawful arrest.

In some cases, the legality of an arrest can hinge on whether the officers had a valid arrest warrant. Warrants must be issued by a judge based on probable cause and must clearly specify the individual to be arrested and the offense. Arrests made without a warrant can still be lawful if the crime was committed in the officer’s presence or if there is probable cause to believe the individual committed a felony.

Your Rights During an Arrest

Understanding your rights during an arrest is critical. Under Texas law, individuals have certain protections and must be informed of their rights at the time of arrest. The Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, must be read to you once you are taken into custody. Failing to read these rights can impact the admissibility of any statements you make during the arrest.

If you believe you are being unlawfully arrested, it’s important to remain calm and compliant to avoid further legal complications. Resisting arrest can lead to additional charges, even if the initial arrest is found to be unlawful. Instead, focus on documenting the incident, including the officers’ badge numbers, patrol car numbers, and any witnesses to the arrest. This information can be invaluable in building your defense.

In addition to the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, you have the right to be free from excessive force during an arrest. Excessive force by law enforcement officers is illegal and can provide grounds for a lawsuit. If you experience physical harm or threats during an arrest, seek medical attention immediately and document your injuries.

Challenging an Unlawful Arrest

Challenging an unlawful arrest involves several legal strategies. The most common approach is to file a motion to suppress evidence obtained as a result of the unlawful arrest. If the court grants this motion, any evidence obtained through the unlawful arrest cannot be used against you in court. This can significantly weaken the prosecution’s case.

Another strategy is to argue that your constitutional rights were violated during the arrest. This can include violations of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, as well as violations of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments related to self-incrimination and the right to counsel. Demonstrating your rights were violated can lead to the dismissal of charges.

In some cases, you may also pursue a civil lawsuit against the arresting officers or the law enforcement agency. This can result in compensation for any physical or emotional harm suffered due to the unlawful arrest. Civil lawsuits can also serve as a deterrent against future unlawful conduct by law enforcement officers.

Legal Assistance and Support

Navigating the complexities of an unlawful arrest requires skilled legal representation. A knowledgeable defense team can evaluate the circumstances of your arrest, gather evidence, and develop a strong defense strategy. Legal assistance is crucial for ensuring your rights are protected and for achieving the best possible outcome in your case.

At Mary E. Conn & Associates, our team of lawyers is committed to defending clients against all levels of criminal charges, including those arising from unlawful arrests. We understand the stress and uncertainty that come with facing criminal charges and are here to provide the support and guidance you need.

Why Choose Mary E. Conn & Associates for Your Case?

When dealing with the complexities of an unlawful arrest, having a highly experienced legal team on your side can make a significant difference. At Mary E. Conn & Associates, we offer comprehensive legal services tailored to your specific situation. Our team of lawyers is dedicated to providing timely responses and thorough representation to ensure your case receives the attention it deserves.

Contact us today at (713) 357-4190 or visit our contact form to schedule your initial consultation. Let our team help you navigate the legal system and work toward achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

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